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Salida Industry Brush Sanding Machine, Profile Sanding Machine, Drum Sanding Machine, Moulding Machine Innovated their own brand to sell the European and American market and other advanced technological countries in all over the world.

Brush Sanding Machinery



Salida® innovated their own brand to sell the European and American market and other advanced technological countries in all over the world. Except them applied patent for the United States, Taiwan , China and other outside European country. Otherwise Salida unifies the overseas technological development more suitable for market demand the product and the ideal price. The friendly management , provide customer with high quality and high-precision product , also customer faith is the strength which Salida continuous forever to mange.


Brush Sander machine the slots on the aluminum Hub of sanding heads are available For many different brands of abrasive brush sanding strips to put-in, those brands such as SCOTT + SARGEANT in UK, PICARD in Germany, FLEX TRIM in Denmark or Smart-Flex in Germany and...It"s very easy and convenient to replace the abraded wear strip from the Hub.

R4 system supplied not only the facility quick-release function for the user can quick change the abraded sanding strips,but also quickly release the wear off sanding head to replace new head to the machine. Planetay sanding with oscillation sanding function by rotary carousel supplied a perfective efficient sanding for working-pieces,able to tuch every where of work-piece surface without missing any inches, meantime to slove any sanding grain on the work-piece surface... Independent North American Sales distributorship, Sanding Specialties, LLC.

Brush Sanding Machine, Profile Sanding Machine, Drum Sanding Machine, Moulding Machine

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