• 台北市内湖区基湖路3巷9号7楼之1
  • 电话 +886-2-2659-2881

Automatic Swinging Doors 微电脑系统设计自动门是专为各种店面,银行建筑物和公共设施。无需限位开关,微电脑系统设计可记忆打开/关闭的位置。自动门提供省时安装方便且调整简单。

Automatic Sliding Doors

Auto door is specially designed for various shop fronts, Banks, exit of general buildings and public facilities. A micro-computer designed in the system will memorize door stroke and open / close position without limit switch. Therefore, AXIN Auto Door offers time saving on installation due to easy, simple adjustment.

Features of General Controller

Every time when power is switched on, General Controller will run the system in proper speed 3 cycles to locate and memorize close/open position. System will not accept any instruction from sensors during test running.

Opening / closing speed, opening / closing force, Opening position, can be set at required figures by digital settings. Windbreak design keeps door always at closed position in adverse weather conditions.

System can be connected with various control devices such as Emergent Open System, Multiple Function Select Switch, Remote Control, Card Reader, etc...

Advantages of Auto Sliding Door

Solid, Compact General Controller

High technique Integrated Circuit minimizes volume of General Controller. Auto processing of General Controller and DC Motor assure door running smoothly.

Transmission through worm gear

DC Motor transmits its power through high tension S8M timing belt to worm gear for r.p.m reducing. Lubricant is therefore, always kept at ordinary state in the mechanism that will increase its life.

Safety design, anti-clamp

Door will re-open in case that obstacles on the way of door closing. Door can be opened by hand when sensor is malfunction, or power off.

Easy Installation

Special designed hanger enables easy, fast adjustment for precise vertical and horizontal door. Open and close position can be quickly located by General Controller. General Controller will automatically adjust closing position against door weight and wind. System is always operating under the best condition.


General Controller
DC Motor
Hanger Roller
Switching Power
Sensor microwave
Wireless Touch Switch
Glass Clip
Floor Guide
Beam Sensor
Remote Functions
Card Reader
  • 唯亮企业有限公司

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  • 彰辉不銹钢股份有限公司


  • 春泉贸易有限公司

    FLOOR SPRING Double action. Securely designed speed adjustment valves protect Floor Spring from rough use or adverse weather conditions.
    USAF Building hardware : Floor Spring, Patch Fitting, PVC Gasket, Aluminum Hinges, Free Hinge, Shower Hinge, Shower Door Handle, Stainless Steel Door Handles.

  • 蓝麒科技股份有限公司


  • 大昊实业有限公司

    Cosmic Hardware MFG Corp. is a leading manufacturer in building hardware industry in Taichung, Taiwan. Throughout our history, Cosmic with professional knowledge and technology has been developing quality window and door hardware