FTP 传档 TCP 网路错误讯息参考列表

FTP 档案传输协定是用于在网路上传送档案的标准协定。可以让使用者在不同的电脑作业系统之间存取和管理档案,无论电脑使用的不同作业系统情况下亦可以相容 File Transfer Protocol 标准协定。FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 档案传输协定、透过 FTP 网址位置名称、使用者名称和密码后登入,将电脑中的档案上传到远端的 FTP 接收伺服器。正常情况下两端电脑建立好连线后,将会把档案切分成一小块一小块,透过 File Transfer Protocol 档案传输协定在网路 FTP 伺服器上传送,再由接收端再将档案重新组合,达成档案传递的目的。

错误讯息代码 Error Message Code

在上传档案中可能会发生的问题,错误讯息代码的对照但因 MAC 及 PC 作业系统可能有些不同。

10004 : error = Interrupted system call中断的系统唿叫
10009 : error = Bad file number错误的文件编号
10013 : error = Permission denied进入被拒绝
10014 : error = Bad address位址错误
10022 : error = Invalid argument (not bind)无效参数、未绑定
10024 : error = Too many open files开启的文件太多
10035 : error = Operation would block-
10036 : error = Operation now in progress-
10037 : error = Operation already in progress操作已在进行中
10038 : error = Socket operation on non-socket-
10039 : error = Destination address required需要正确的主机网址
10040 : error = Message too long讯息太长
10041 : error = Protocol wrong type for socketSocket 协议类型错误
10042 : error = Bad protocol option错误的通讯协议选项
10043 : error = Protocol not supported通讯协议不支持
10044 : error = Socket type not supported-
10045 : error = Operation not supported on socket-
10046 : error = Protocol family not supported通讯协议 Family 不支持
10047 : error = Address family not supported by protocol family-
10048 : error = Address already in use socket通讯端被佔据 80 Port 已经被 IIS 佔用
10049 : error = Can't assign requested address-
10050 : error = Network is down-
10051 : error = Network is unreachable网路无法访问
10052 : error = Net dropped connection or reset-
10053 : error = Software caused connection abort因软体导致连接中止
10054 : error = Connection reset by peer档案传输,连线被防火墙或 Proxy 中断了
10055 : error = No buffer space availableTracker 的 Buffer 已满
10056 : error = Socket is already connected-
10057 : error = Socket is not connected-
10058 : error = Can't send after socket shutdownSocket 关闭后无法发送
10059 : error = Too many references, can't splice-
10060 : error = Connection timed out连线超时
10061 : error = Connection refused连接被拒绝
10062 : error = Too many levels of symbolic links符号链接问题
10063 : error = File name too long档案名称过长,档名或路径内含无效字元
10064 : error = Host is down-
10065 : error = No Route to Host没有 Route Host 路由到主机
10066 : error = Directory not empty空的资料夹
10067 : error = Too many processes太多的进程
10068 : error = Too many users太多使用者
10069 : error = Disc Quota Exceeded超过磁碟机的空间配额
10070 : error = Stale NFS file handle过时的 NFS 文件处理
10091 : error = Network SubSystem is unavailable网路子系统不可用
10092 : error = WINSOCK DLL Version out of rangeWindow 的 winsock.dll 问题
10093 : error = Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed-
10071 : error = Too many levels of remote in path-
11001 : error = Host not found未能找到主机位置
11002 : error = Non-Authoritative Host not found-
11003 : error = Non-Recoverable errors: formERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP无法恢复的错误
11004 : error = Valid name, no data record of requested type-

SMTP 错误代码

整合 EDM 电邮平台、解决 SMTP 邮件传递状态通知 DSN 邮件伺服器产生的邮件错误讯息,SMTP 错误讯息可协助处理邮件未成功传送的原因。其中包含错误代码、尽可能所发生的问题,疑难排解邮件平台的技术详细资料。返回简易邮件传输通讯协定 SMTP 邮件伺服器在收发电子邮件时採用的网际网路标准之回报讯息。


The server is unable to connect.


Try to change the server's name (maybe it was spelt incorrectly) or the connection port.



Connection refused or inability to open an SMTP stream.

连接被拒绝或无法打开 SMTP stream 资料群集。

This error normally refers to a connection issue with the remote SMTP Server, depending on firewalls or misspelled domains. Check all the configurations and in case ask your provider.

错误通常是指与远端 SMTP 邮件伺服器的连接问题,具体取决于防火墙或拼写错误的网域。检查配置或是询问邮件伺服器之提供商。


System status message or help reply.


It comes with more information about the server.



A response to the HELP command.

对 HELP 命令的回应。

It contains information about your particular server, Normally pointing to a FAQ page.



The server is ready.


It's just a welcome message. Just read it and be happy that everything is working.



The server is closing its transmission channel. It can come with side messages like Goodbye or Closing connection.


The mailing session is going to end, which simply means that all messages have been processed.



Its typical side message is Requested mail action okay completed, meaning that the server has transmitted a message.

其典型的讯息是 Requested mail action OK completed 表示邮件伺服器已经发送了一条讯息。

The opposite of an error: everything has worked and your email has beendelivered.



User not local will forward: the recipient's account is not on the present server, so it will be relayed to another.


It's a normal transfer action. For other information check out our article on what is an SMTP server.

处于一个正常的转移动作。有关其他讯息,检查关于 SMTP 邮件伺服器的内文或内容。


The server cannot verify the user, but it will try to deliver the message anyway.


The recipient's Email Account is valid, but not verifiable. Normally The server relays the message to another one that will be able to check it.



The side message can be very cryptic (Start mail input end <CRLF>.<CRLF>).It's the typical response to the DATA command.

附带的邮件讯息可能,开始邮件输入结束 <CRLF>.<CRLF>。它是对 DATA 命令的典型回应。

The server has received the From and To details of the Email, and is ready to get the body message.

邮件伺服器已经收到邮件的 From 和 To 详细讯息,并准备好获取正文讯息。


Timeout connection problem: there have been issues during the message transfer.


This error message is produced only by GroupWise servers. Either your Email has been blocked by the recipient's firewall, or there's a hardware problem. Check with your provider.

该错误讯息仅由 GroupWise 邮件伺服器产生。该邮件已被收件人的防火墙阻止,或者存在硬件问题。请谘询您的提供商。


The service is unavailable due to a connection problem: it may referto an exceeded limit of simultaneous connections, or a more general temporaryproblem.


The server (yours or the recipient's) is not available at the moment, the dispatch will be tried again later.



The recipient's mailbox has exceeded its storage limit.


Best is to contact contact the user via another channel to alert him and ask to create some free room in his mailbox.



Not enough space on the disk, or an out of memory condition due toa file overload.


This error may depend on too many messages sent to a particular domain. You should try again sending smaller sets of emails instead of one big mail-out.



Typical side-message: The recipient's Exchange Server incoming mail queue has been stopped.

典型的附带讯息、收件人的 Exchange Server 传入邮件队列已停止。

It's a Microsoft Exchange Server's SMTP error code. You should contact it to get more information: generally it's due to a connection problem.

它是 Microsoft Exchange Server 的 SMTP 错误代码。应该联繫它以获取更多讯息、通常是由于连接问题。


The recipient's server is not responding.


There's an issue with the user's incoming server: yours will try again to contact it.



The connection was dropped during the transmission.


A typical network connection problem, probably due to your router: checkit immediately.



The maximum hop count was exceeded for the message: an internal loop has occurred.


Ask your SMTP provider to verify what has happened.

请让您的 SMTP 提供商验证发生了什么。


Your outgoing message timed out because of issues concerning the incomingserver.


This happens generally when you exceeded your server's limit of number of recipients for a message. Try to send it again segmenting the list indifferent parts.



A routing error.


Like error 432, it's related only to Microsoft Exchange. Use WinRoute.

与错误 432 一样、仅与 Microsoft Exchange 有关。使用 WinRoute。


Requested action not taken – The user's mailbox is unavailable. The mailbox has been corrupted or placed on an offline server, or your Email hasn't been accepted for IP problems or blacklisting.

请求的用户的邮箱不存在,或者电子邮件因 IP 问题或者已经被列入黑名单而无法被接受。

The server will retry to mail the message again, after some time. Anyway, verify that is working on a reliable IP address.

一段时间后,邮件伺服器将重新尝试重新发送邮件。确认它正在使用可靠的 IP 地址。


Requested action aborted - Local error in processing. Your ISP's server or the server that got a first relay from yours has encountered a connection problem.

请求的动作中止、处理中的本地错误。因为 ISP 的邮件伺服器或从获得第一个中继的伺服器遇到连接的问题。

It's normally a transient error due to a message overload, but it can refer also to a rejection due to a remote antispam filter. If it keeps repeating, ask your SMTP provider to check the situation. If you're sending a large bulk email with a free one that can be a common issue.

它通常是由于讯息过载而导致的暂时错误,但它也可以指由于远端反垃圾邮件过滤器而导致的拒绝。如果它不断重复,需要由 SMTP 提供商检查情况。如果您要发送一封带有免费邮件的大容量电子邮件,这可能是一个常见问题。


Too many emails sent or too many recipients: more in general, a server storage limit exceeded.


Again, the typical cause is a message overload. Usually the next try will succeed: in case of problems on your server it will come with a side-message like Out of memory.



An error of your mail server, often due to an issue of the local anti-spam filter.


Contact your SMTP service provider to fix the situation.

需要与您的 SMTP 邮件服务提供商联繫以解决此问题。


A syntax error: the server couldn't recognize the command.


It may be caused by a bad interaction of the server with your firewall or antivirus. Read carefully their instructions to solve it.



Another syntax error, not in the command but in its parameters or arguments.


In the majority of the times it's due to an invalid email address, but it can also be associated with connection problems (and again, an issue concerning your antivirus settings).



The command is not implemented.


The command has not been activated yet on your own server. Contact your provider to know more about it.



The server has encountered a bad sequence of commands, or it requires authentication.


In case of bad sequence, the server has pulled off its commands in wrong order, usually because of a broken connection. If an authentication is needed, you should enter your username and password.



A command parameter is not implemented.


Like error 501, is a syntax problem; you should ask your provider.

与错误 501 一样,是语法问题应该查询网路的供应商。


Bad Email address.


One of the addresses in your TO, CC or BBC line doesn't exist. Check again your recipients' accounts and correct any possible misspelling.

收件人 TO、副本 CC 或 BBC 行中的地址之一不存在。再次检查收件人、邮件帐户并更正任何可能的拼写错误。


A DNS error: the host server for the recipient's domain name cannot be found. DNS


Check again all your recipients' addresses: there will likely be an error in a domain name (like mail@domain.coom instead of mail@domain.com).

再次检查所有收件邮件地址、域名中可能有错误(例如 mail@domain.coom 而不是 mail@domain.com)。


Address type is incorrect: another problem concerning address misspelling.In few cases, however, it's related to an authentication issue.


Check your recipients addresses and correct any mistake. If everything's ok and the error persists, then it's caused by a configuration issue (Server needs an authentication).



The total size of your mailing exceeds the recipient server's limits.


Re-send your message splitting the list in smaller subsets.



Normally, an authentication problem. But sometimes it's about the recipient server blacklisting yours, or an invalid Email address.


Configure your settings providing a username+password authentication.If the error persists, check all your recipients addresses and if you been blacklisted.



The recipient address rejected your message: normally, it error caused by an anti-spam filter.


Your message has been detected and labeled as spam. You must ask the recipient to whitelist you.



It usually defines a non-existent Email address on the remote side.


Though it can be returned also by the recipient firewall (or when the incoming server is down), the great majority of errors 550 simply tell that the recipient Email address doesn't exist. You should contact the recipientotherwise and get the right address.

虽然它也可以由收件人的防火墙返回或当传入邮件伺服器关闭时。但大多数错误 550 只是表明收件人的电子邮件地址不存在。否则应该联繫邮件收件人并获取正确的地址。


User not local or invalid address – Relay denied. Meaning, if both your address and the recipient's are not locally hosted by the server, a relay can be interrupted.


It's a (not very clever) strategy to prevent spamming. You should contact your ISP and ask them to allow you as a certified sender. Of course, with a professional SMTP provider like turboSMTP you won't ever deal with this issue.

因为防止垃圾邮件的方式不是很准确的策略。应该联繫 ISP 并要求通过允许作为认证发件人。
当然使用 turboSMTP 专业 SMTP Service Provider 提供,将永远不会处理这个问题。


Requested mail actions aborted – Exceeded storage allocation: simply put, the recipient's mailbox has exceeded its limits.


Try to send a lighter message: that usually happens when you dispatch emails with big attachments, so check them first.



Requested action not taken – Mailbox name invalid. That is, there'san incorrect Email address into the recipients line.


Check all the addresses in the TO, CC and BCC field. There should bean error or a misspelling somewhere.

检查 TO 收件人、CC 和 BCC 字段中的所有地址。
某处应该有 bean 错误或拼写错误。


This means that the transaction has failed. It's a permanent error and the server will not try to send the message again.


The incoming server thinks that your Email is spam, or your IP has been blacklisted. Check carefully if you ended up in some spam lists, or rely on a professional SMTP service like turboSMTP that will nullify this problem.

接收伺服器认为该电子邮件是垃圾邮件,或者您的 IP 已被列入黑名单。
检查是否最终出现在一些垃圾邮件列表中或者依赖专业的 SMTP 服务如 turboSMTP 来解决这个问题。